The Spokane Regional Continuum of Care had a pre-existing brand identity and guidelines to follow, but wanted to update their website to be more user-friendly. Their users consist of board members, volunteers, members of the community, and those who are experiencing homelessness. This website redesign was created with a variety of users kept in mind.

In order to redesign the website, our team met with the board members of the Continuum of Care to discuss the most important elements and aspects of the website. It was important that all visitors had access to the information that was most relevant to them. Once all the key elements were identified and laid out, a site map was created and the content was categorized in order to provide better user experience.

After the site map was finalized with the Continuum of Care board members, a wireframe was developed. The wireframe provided structure for the required content and breathed life into the site map. A rough idea of the site's layout and main functions were established before the finalized content was added.

The finalized product was filled out and developed with insight from the Spokane Regional Continuum of Care, which can be seen below.

Looking for more?

If you want to see more of my design content, check out one of the designs below!